Mixed Use Could Lower Neighborhood Crime Rates
According to an article by Kaley Overstreet in Arch Daily, “mixed-use spaces do more than just create a diverse array of experiences in cities- they might also help contribute to lower crime rates.” Mixed-Use neighborhoods, writes Overstreet, “enhance social connections and promote public transportation, while also encouraging the themes of ‘live, work, and play’ in one concentrated zone.”
According to Overstreet, “In a study published under the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, data showed that it’s more likely that neighborhoods with local cafes, bars, offices, and residential areas are inherently more likely to have more ‘eyes on the street’ at more hours of the day. The collective public surveillance may deter criminals.” In the same study, “The areas where commercial offices were heavily focused experienced over 40% more crime than in other neighborhoods, especially those that included residences.”