Charles Marohn wrote:

In the work that Urban3 has done modeling the financial productivity of different places, there is one correlation that stands out above all others. Wherever development patterns are most productive, wherever the highest value per acre is measured, those are the places where people will be found outside of a motor vehicle. Where humans are found in their habitat, those are the places building the greatest amount of community wealth. The more people that are consistently found, the more productive a place is likely to be. To borrow a phrase from ecology: People are the indicator species of success.

Since wealth is created by having humans naturally in their habitat, a prerequisite for building wealth is that a street be safe. The stroad-to-street conversion approach from Chapter Two is a good place to start: (1) slow traffic, (2) prioritize people over throughput, (3) build a productive place, and (4) embrace complexity. These are not steps to be done in series but four things to work on simultaneously.